Use Coupon "safeforever".
Prices Increases in:
Perfect for Digital Marketing Agencies, Online and Offline Businesses, eCommerce Stores, Affiliates, Bloggers, and More.
Boost Your Revenue by Offering Comprehensive Security and Compliance Services to Clients.
Expand Your Business Opportunities by Offering Website Security, SEO, and Compliance as a Service.
Secure Multiple Websites with a Single App, Protecting Them Against Hackers, Bots, and Malicious Activities.
Advanced Protection Features, Including SQLI Protection, Spam Protection, and Intelligent Pattern Recognition.
Free Commercial License - Sell Your Security and Compliance Services for Profit.
Effortless Lead Generation - Discover High-Quality, Pre-Qualified Leads Eager to Invest in Digital Marketing Services for Their Online Presence.
User-Friendly Dashboard with Detailed Logs, Live Traffic Analytics, and System Information.
Easy to Use and Beginner-Friendly – No Complicated Software or Technical Skills Required.

No Monthly Fee Necessary. No Technical Skills Needed. 100% Beginner Friendly.

Get Started with Marshal - Instant Access

"...The ultimate tool for web security and compliance" "

Marshal is hands down the best tool I've ever used for web security and compliance. Not only has it saved me countless hours, but it also gives me peace of mind knowing that my online business is protected from all kinds of threats. I can't recommend Marshal enough to other business owners!


"...Incredible protection for my e-commerce store"

I run an e-commerce store, and Marshal has been a game-changer for me. The A.I.-powered protection and compliance features have given me total confidence that my store is secure from hackers and other malicious actors. I can finally focus on growing my business without constantly worrying about security.



Businesses Are Now Willing To Pay You For These Services That They Can’t Afford To Do Without!

You Already Need To Do This Your Own Business & Now You Can Get Paid a King’s Ransom Performing It For Other Local Businesses Too!

I’ll share why you can’t afford to ignore these services for your own sites in a moment, but first… did you know there’s big business in helping other businesses become compliant and have secure websites?

Take a look at how much freelancers are getting paid to provide these simple services:

This isn’t your normal article writing or run of the mill service. Nope. By not having the correct compliance and security, local businesses are now more vulnerable than ever to all sorts of threats, hacks, and fines. And they’re desperately looking to pay someone MASSIVELY who can help.

That could be you. But before you cash in, you’ll also need to make sure you’re protected first…


Unless You’re 100% Compliant, You Can Now Potentially Lose Everything You’ve Worked Hard To Build Online…In A Blink of An Eye!

I want you to imagine this scenario:

You’ve spent years trying to break through the online income barrier. Sleepless nights. Tons of blood, sweat, and tears. Disagreements with spouses. Ignoring hanging out with friends.

And finally…finally, you’ve done it. You’re your own boss. You’re making good money from your sites and business online. Freedom isn’t just a hope…it’s a reality.

So you get up one morning. Gleeful. Happy. Ecstatic to check your stats for the day and you get a dreaded message telling you that your site’s been hacked and lost…or worse, you get an email telling you that you’re now involved in a messy and EXTREMELY costly lawsuit.

And just like that, you’re back to square zero with nothing to show for your years of hard work.

A.I. Has Now Made It Simpler Than Ever To Target You As An Easy Payday… And You Don’t Even Know It.

We’ve all seen the big breakthroughs when it comes to using A.I. for content creation and art. But did you know that it can also be used to help locate websites like yours that aren’t compliant?

It’s true. It takes nothing now for a crooked lawyer looking for a payday to ask A.I. to create code that will scan websites to see if they’re compliant.

Worse, any nobody can now use A.I. to write code that could be used to hack your websites. Combine this with a few scrapes of Google’s results and they’ve got a true money maker ready to pounce on.

They’ve Even Turned To A.I. To Help Them Write Code To Steal Your Data! (Take A Look For Yourself…)

Plus, Hackers Have Already Stolen Millions From Small Businesses. You Could Be Next.

Hackers and scammers are constantly scanning the net looking for any opportunity they can get to either take down your site and force you to pay to get it back, or just rob you altogether of your revenue streams.

Just like they did these small businesses:

Efficient Escrow of California was forced to close its doors and lay off its entire staff when cybercriminals nabbed $1.5 million from its bank account. The thieves gained access to the escrow company’s bank data using a form of “Trojan horse” malware.

Green Ford Sales, a car dealership in Kansas, lost $23,000 when hackers broke into their network and swiped bank account info.

Wright Hotels, a real estate development firm, had $1 million drained from their bank account after thieves gained access to a company e-mail account. Information gleaned from e-mails allowed the thieves to impersonate the owner and convince the bookkeeper to wire money to an account in China.

Maine-based PATCO Construction lost $588,000 in a Trojan horse cyber-heist. They managed to reclaim some of it, but that was offset by interest on thousands of dollars in overdraft loans from their bank.

And…If You Think You Can’t ALSO Be A Victim of ADA Lawsuits, Think Again…

With the Justice Department backing ADA lawsuits, it’s opened a whole new opportunity for underhandedness.

Take a look:

And That’s Just The Beginning…

Even some of the biggest companies to date are getting hit hard with GDPR fines too!

Listen, you can’t afford NOT to be compliant. However compliance is one thing. Web security is another. You’ve got to stay on top of all of them today. Not doing so can result in the following:

  • Getting destroyed in the search engines with the latest Google Slap because of a lack of SEO compliance
  • Losing precious affiliate commissions to scammers that switch links due to website security
  • Receiving MAJOR fines because of not being GDPR compliant (this can result in 7 or even 8 figure fines!)
  • Losing an offline business due to lawsuits and fines that target the specific compliance for your particular niche or industry.

We’ve ALREADY Solved This For You.
And Uncovered a HUGE Payday
Opportunity As Well!

We saw the need for this level of compliance and protection because of our own business. But, we couldn’t find one app or solution to handle all the multiple issues that we were made aware of. So we got to work developing our own solution.

And in the midst of it, we found a TRULY PROFITABLE opportunity that you can take advantage of in and beyond for a six or even seven-figure payday

This is one of the hottest in-demand opportunities around and we’re laying it at your feet along with all the web security and compliance you’ll ever need…

The First 6-In-1 Compliance & Accessibility Tool That Helps Drive Sales, Protects Your Business, & Includes The First To Market Local Compliance Engine!

Here’s How Marshal Works In 3 Simple Steps:

Simply add your business to the Marshal platform (this takes less than 2 minutes)

Let Marshal walk you through the compliance apps using its built-in wizard that shows you what needs to be fixed.

Follow the instructions and be assured your business is secure, accessible, & compliant in only minutes!

See Marshal In Action For Yourself!

Marshal Protects & Secures You From ALL Angles.

So Nothing Or NO ONE Can Steal Everything You’ve Worked Hard To Build Online.

That’s right!

We’ve covered all the bases when it comes to making sure you are 100% compliant and secure online. Every possible access that can affect your business and bottom line is taken care of in the Marshal suite of tools.

That includes:

  • Local Business (Offline) Compliance (FIRST TO MARKET EVER!)
  • Advanced Web Security & Hacker Protection
  • SEO Compliance
  • ADA Compliance
  • GDPR and Cookie Consent
  • Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions Generator

Marshal Opens The Door To The Hottest Opportunity For With Local Business Compliance From 30 Different Niches In The United States & European Union!

And We’re Just Getting Started!

Our team has put together a local compliance engine that will help create SPECIFIC compliance checklists for multiple industries. Why is this a big deal?

Because now you’ll have the exact steps necessary to help any of the most popular businesses become compliant without getting any wires crossed.

For example, if you’re dealing with a restaurant and they need help with compliance and accessibility, the steps necessary to complete it may not be the exact same steps as a chiropractor.

This way, you save time by not having to do the research yourself AND you look like a TRUE AUTHORITY in the eyes of any clients you may sell the services to in the future.

Cash In On All These Local Niches That Need & Are Willing To Pay Top Dollar For This Service NOW!

1.Real Estate
3.Computer Repair
4.Auto Dealer
6.Hair Salon
7.Divorce Attorney
8.Fitness Trainer
10.Home Re-modeler
11.Child Custody Attorney
12.Auto Repair
14.Carpet Cleaner
15.Cosmetic Surgery
16.Day Care
20.Pest Control
21.Mortgage Broker
22.Car Rental
29.Massage Therapists
30.HR Specialists
31.Interior Designers
32.Mortgage Brokers
36.Security Systems Installation
39.Pet Grooming
40.Foreign Currency Exchange
1.Real Estate
3.Computer Repair
4.Auto Dealer
6.Hair Salon
7.Divorce Attorney
8.Fitness Trainer
10.Home Re-modeler
11.Child Custody Attorney
12.Auto Repair
14.Carpet Cleaner
15.Cosmetic Surgery
16.Day Care
20.Pest Control
21.Mortgage Broker
22.Car Rental
29.Massage Therapists
30.HR Specialists
31.Interior Designers
32.Mortgage Brokers
36.Security Systems Installation
39.Pet Grooming
40.Foreign Currency Exchange

Here’s A Look Inside All The Tools Included In The Marshal Web Security & Compliance Suite:

User-Friendly Intuitive Wizard & Dashboard

Once you log into Marshal, you’ll be greeted by our dynamic beginner-friendly dashboard. Everything you need to start working on your compliance and security will be at your fingertips. Plus, the dashboard shows you how far you’ve progressed in setting up your compliance with full details of how to get all the way up to 100%.

Local Business Compliance Tool (THIS IS HUGE!)

This is the first-to-market tool of its kind that gives you a list of niches you can tap into and generate full compliance checklists for that SPECIFIC niche or industry. By selecting from either the EU or U.S., our system will display a list of compliance checklists for businesses in those regions.

Plus, each checklist will tell you exactly how to resolve each issue in detail. No guesswork involved. And we’ll be adding even more niches as time goes on!

Here’s everything included with this tool:

  • First To Market Offline Compliance System
  • Includes All The Most Popular Profitable Niches
  • First Local Business Compliance Tool That Shows Offline Compliance Including Complete Legislation For Different Industries
  • 100% Compliance Ready For EU & US
  • Searchable Checklists
  • DFY Built In Compliance Fix Guides
  • Regular Compliance Update
  • DFY Built-In Checklist Fixes
  • Local Compliance Fix Progress Bar For Tracking

Advanced Web Security & Hacker Protection

Your site might look secure, but is it really? That’s why we’ve designed this tool. You only need to enter your URL (or any URL) and you’ll get a complete web security scan in just minutes. You’ll know EXACTLY where the holes are and how to fix them. The tool will go deep to help you prevent hackers and scammers from stealing your business and money..

Here’s what’s all included in this tool’s features:

  • 1-Click Detect, Manage, & Report Vulnerabilities
  • Scan For Local/Remote File Inclusion
  • Run Comprehensive Website Security Scans In Minutes
  • Scan For Remote Command Execution
  • Continuous Security Monitoring
  • Scan & Discover Of Sensitive Files
  • Scan For Common Configuration Issues
  • Scan For Website SSL Report
  • Scan For SQL Injection: Detects SQL & SQLI Injections On Your Websites
  • Scan For Version-Based Vulnerability Detection
  • Scan For Cross-Site Scripting
  • Visualize Your Scan Results In The Dashboard

SEO Compliance Tool

Get a full audit and compliance scan of any website you own with this tool. Instantly know where your site is failing and how to fix it so you can be optimized in the search engines to receive huge amounts of organic traffic, leads, and sales

Here’s a full list of features that this tool provides:

  • Full Site Audits
  • SEO Score
  • On Page SEO Checker
  • Full Image Audits
  • Off-page Backlink Analysis
  • Detailed Reporting
  • Backlink Audit Report
  • DFY Automated SEO Fix Checklist & Guidelines
  • Content Audit Tools

Web Accessibility (ADA) Compliance Tool

Every tool and feature you need to stay compliant is included in this complete web accessibility suite. We took the best of everything and combined it into one easy to use setup that gives you total flexibility with your website. Select from any option you want and use the robust widget included displaying accessibility to any person with disabilities. Best of all you can install all of it with just a few clicks.

Here’s all the features included:

ADA Compliance Tool:

  • Full Complete Web Accessibility Suite To Help You Stay Compliant
  • 1-Click Accessibility Widget Installation
  • Easy Widget Customization (Match Style & Colors To Your Brand)
  • Create Custom Accessibility Setups For Your Sites
  • Multi-Language Support
  • Built-In Accessibility Profiles & Modes (6 Profiles & Modes)
    • Seizure/Epilepsy Safe Profile
    • Vision Impaired Profile
    • ADHD-Friendly Profile
    • Cognitive Disability Profile
    • Keyboard Navigation Profile (Motor)
    • Blind Users Profile (Screen-Readers)
  • Fully Secured
  • Fully GDPR And CCPA Complaint

ADA Widget Features:

  • Alt Tag Creation Using Image Recognition Technology
  • Alt Tag Creation Using Image Recognition Technology
  • Forms Accessibility, Including Label Matching & Error Handling
  • Full Adjustment To Keyboard Navigation
  • Advanced Keyboard Navigation Using Letter Shortcuts
  • Expression, Slang, & Phrases Built-In Dictionary
  • Built-In Accessibility Statement
  • Built-In Accessible User Guide
  • Font Sizes Adjustment & Content Scaling Capabilities
  • 10+ Built-In Languages In The Interface
  • Dynamic Content Accessibility (Ajax, Angular, React, Vue...)
  • Built-In Feedback Form
  • Links & Clickable Element Accessibility
  • Font Replacement For More Readable Fonts
  • Virtual Keyboard For Motor Impairments
  • Text Spacing & Alignment Modification
  • Checkmark Accessibility Of Titles & Paragraphs
  • Quick Skip To The Main Content & Other Areas
  • Quick Navigation For Those With Motor Impairments & Blind Users
  • Emphasis Focuses On Keyboard Navigation Or Mouse Hovering
  • Icon & Buttons Accessibility
  • Align Content To The Left, Right, Center, Or Justified
  • Accessibility Of Page & Browser Titles
  • Complete Tables Accessibility
  • Keyboard Navigation, Including Drop-downs & Popups
  • Change Cursor To Big Black Or Big White
  • Control Of Interface Size & Position
  • Control Over Title, Text, & Background Colors
  • Contrast Alteration: Lighten, Darken, Inverse, Or Grayscale`
  • Display & Emphasize Image Descriptions
  • Hide Images & Background Images (Distracting Elements)
  • Animations Halt, Including GIFs, Videos, CSS, & More
  • Muted Mode (For People With Hearing Devices)
  • Accessible Printing Mode
  • Alt Tag Creation Using Image Recognition Technology
  • Alt Tag Creation Using Image Recognition Technology
  • Forms Accessibility, Including Label Matching & Error Handling
  • Full Adjustment To Keyboard Navigation
  • Advanced Keyboard Navigation Using Letter Shortcuts
  • Expression, Slang, & Phrases Built-In Dictionary
  • Built-In Accessibility Statement
  • Built-In Accessible User Guide
  • Font Sizes Adjustment & Content Scaling Capabilities
  • 10+ Built-In Languages In The Interface
  • Dynamic Content Accessibility (Ajax, Angular, React, Vue...)
  • Built-In Feedback Form
  • Links & Clickable Element Accessibility
  • Font Replacement For More Readable Fonts
  • Virtual Keyboard For Motor Impairments
  • Text Spacing & Alignment Modification
  • Checkmark Accessibility Of Titles & Paragraphs
  • Quick Skip To The Main Content & Other Areas
  • Quick Navigation For Those With Motor Impairments & Blind Users
  • Emphasis Focuses On Keyboard Navigation Or Mouse Hovering
  • Icon & Buttons Accessibility
  • Align Content To The Left, Right, Center, Or Justified
  • Accessibility Of Page & Browser Titles
  • Complete Tables Accessibility
  • Keyboard Navigation, Including Drop-downs & Popups
  • Change Cursor To Big Black Or Big White
  • Control Of Interface Size & Position
  • Control Over Title, Text, & Background Colors
  • Contrast Alteration: Lighten, Darken, Inverse, Or Grayscale`
  • Display & Emphasize Image Descriptions
  • Hide Images & Background Images (Distracting Elements)
  • Animations Halt, Including GIFs, Videos, CSS, & More
  • Muted Mode (For People With Hearing Devices)
  • Accessible Printing Mode

GDPR & Cookie Consent Tool

If you do any tracking, run ads, or just want to stay above board when it comes to compliance, then you’ll need this tool. With just a click of your mouse, you can create your GDPR notice for your site and also customize it with ease. Having this on the ready will help you avoid any fines or penalties so you can operate your business without any obstacles.

Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions Generator Tool

No need to worry about what to say in any of your terms or conditions. Marshal has you covered 100%. It’s as simple as filling out a form, answering a few questions, and Marshal will generate your privacy policy, terms, & conditions in just 2 minutes.

These are ironclad and will help ward off any potential issues that visitors could bring up for any product or service you offer.

Instant PDF Reports: Your Lead Magnet for Attracting High-Paying Clients!

Marshal App generates detailed PDF reports for every website it scans, highlighting critical issues and vulnerabilities without revealing the fixes.

These reports serve as the perfect lead magnet to attract businesses and convert them into paying clients for your digital marketing services.

Plus, with Marshal's built-in email functionality, you can effortlessly send these insightful PDF reports directly to businesses, showcasing your expertise and winning their trust.


Protect & Fix Multiple Security Issues For ANY WordPress Site With Just ONE SINGLE CLICK of Your Mouse!

(This Is A Game Changer!)

Our EXCLUSIVE Marshal Sentry plugin lets you take care of all your security issues in just minutes with only one click. That’s right. If you have a WordPress site, you only need to install the plugin once, click to run it, and let it make your site as secure as Ft. Knox.

No need to outsource to specialists to fix your security or pay costly coders. There are tons of security features included with our exclusive plugin and you can have it up and running in just minutes.

Here's everything Marshal
Plugin does for you…

SQLI Protection

Say goodbye to malicious SQL injections! Marshal's SQLI Protection feature secures your website from unauthorized database access, keeping your sensitive data safe and sound.

Proxy Protection

With Marshal's Proxy Protection, you can block sneaky users hiding behind proxies, ensuring only legitimate visitors access your site. No more cloak-and-dagger business!

Spam Protection

Marshal's Spam Protection feature tackles pesky spam head-on, filtering out unwanted comments and messages. Enjoy a cleaner, more enjoyable online experience!

DNSBL Integration

Leveraging DNSBL's powerful blacklisting capabilities, Marshal keeps your website free from known malicious IPs and domains. Peace of mind, guaranteed!

Intelligent Pattern Recognition

Marshal's Intelligent Pattern Recognition identifies suspicious activity patterns, proactively detecting and stopping emerging threats before they cause damage.

Industrial-Strength Algorithms

Powered y robust, cutting-edge algorithms, Marshal ensures your site's security remains airtight and up-to-date. Protection you can trust!

Ban System

Marshal's Ban System lets you take control, enabling you to block and ban users engaging in harmful activities. Show them the door!

Bad Bots & Crawlers Protection

Marshal shields your website from nasty bots and crawlers that can harm your SEO, drain resources, or scrape your content. Guard your site with confidence!

Fake Bots Protection

Marshal's Fake Bots Protection sniffs out and stops imitation bots in their tracks, ensuring only legitimate crawlers access your website. No more deception!

Headers Check

Marshal's Headers Check feature meticulously examines HTTP headers for any security loopholes or inconsistencies, making sure your site stays rock-solid.

Auto Ban

Marshal's Auto Ban automatically blacklists users engaging in harmful behavior, keeping your website safe and secure without manual intervention. Set it and forget it!

Threat Logs

Stay in the know with Marshal's detailed Threat Logs, providing invaluable insights into potential security risks and vulnerabilities. Knowledge is power!

Detailed Logs

Marshal's Detailed Logs give you a comprehensive view of your website's security events, helping you stay informed and proactive.

E-mail Notifications

Receive timely E-mail Notifications from Marshal whenever a security event occurs, keeping you alert and ready to act.

Dashboard With Stats

Marshal's user-friendly Dashboard With Stats offers an at-a-glance overview of your site's security, making it easy to monitor and manage.

Errors Monitoring

Marshal's Errors Monitoring feature diligently tracks and reports errors, ensuring you're always aware of any potential issues. Stay ahead of the game!

.htaccess Editor

Edit your .htaccess file with ease using Marshal's built-in .htaccess Editor, allowing for quick and convenient security adjustments.

LP & File Whitelist

Marshal's LP & File Whitelist lets you create custom rules, ensuring your essential pages and files remain accessible while your website stays secure.

Live Traffic Analytics

Marshal's Live Traffic Analytics feature gives you real-time insight into visitor activity, helping you spot any unusual behavior and protect your website.

Visit Analytics

Marshal's Visit Analytics provides valuable data on user activity, enabling you to make informed decisions about your website's security and performance.

PHP Configuration Checker

Marshal's PHP Configuration Checker ensures your server's PHP settings are optimized for maximum security, helping to prevent potential vulnerabilities.

System Information

Stay informed about your server's vital stats with Marshal's System Information feature, enabling you to monitor and maintain peak performance and security.

Login History

Keep track of all login attempts with Marshal's Login History feature, allowing you to spot any suspicious activity and safeguard your website's access points

Once installed, the plugin will stay on constant guard, making sure to keep your website and business protected at all times. Even while you sleep.

We’ve cut no corners or spared no expense. Every single security feature you need for your website with a top-notch dashboard to manage everything is included.

(Note: We’ll be also adding an option for non WordPress websites in the near future!)

Marshal Gives You Everything You Need In a Web Security & Compliance Suite.

Nothing Else Even Comes Close!

FEATURES Marshal App Other Apps
Web Security Compliance
Web Security Auto-Fix Plugin
ADA Web Compliance
SEO Compliance
Local Business Compliance
GDPR & Cookie Consent Compliance
Privacy & T&C Compliance
Generator - GDPR & Cookie Consent
Auto-Creator - Privacy & T&C Pages
Monthly Updates on all Compliances
Website Fingerprinting Compliance
SSL Compliance
Version-Based Vulnerability Detection
Common Configuration Issues Check
SQL Injection Check
SQL Injection Protection
Cross-Site Scripting Check
XSS Protection
Local/Remote File Inclusion Check
Remote Command Execution Check
ClickJacking Protection
MIME Mismatch Attacks Protection
Discovery of Sensitive Files Check
Vulnerability Alerts
Complete Auto SEO Audio
Full SEO-Fix Checklist
Data Assess Compliance - GDPR
Data Breach Notification - GDPR
Data Rectification Update - GDPR
WordPress Universal
Cookie Consent Generator
Privacy Policy Generator
Terms & Conditions Generator
Compliance Batches to Feature on websites
Local Business Law Compliance Check
  • Commercial License
  • Search & Close NEW Domain Leads
  • Search & Close Old Domain Leads
  • Personalized Cold Email Outreach
  • 50 Weekly Searches
  • 10 Weekly Leads Outreach
  • Traditional Mail Outreach
  • Cold Email Templates
  • Cold Calls From Desktop Feature
  • Get Name, Address, Email, Phone Number, City, State, Country
  • Local & Remote Prospecting
  • Exclusive Leads Privilege Feature
  • Desktop Calling Feature
  • Proven Cold Call Scripts
  • Custom Cold Call Scripts
  • Custom Cold Call Emails
  • Search Globally
  • Download & FB Audience Feature
  • Business ABCs: Get all business details
  • Quick Website Creation Feature
  • Quick peek snapshots of websites to identify those that need a makeover
  • WordPress Check For Websites
  • Mobile Responsiveness Check
  • Favorite Leads
  • Built-In Cold Email Outreach
  • Drip Feed Emails
  • Limited Daily Emails for Better Deliverability
  • Domain Reputation Protection
  • SMTPs Integration
  • G-Suite Integration
  • Agency Profile Set Up
  • Dedicated Support & Regular Updates - 12 months
  • Detailed Training Included - Video + PDF
  • 14 Days MoneyBack Guarantee
  • BONUS TRAINING WEBINAR : How to Make Fast Cash Using Marshal!

    Founding-Members Special - Only Today
  • Bonus #1: Article-2- Voice Creator
  • Bonus #2: Website TrafficBlaster
  • Bonus #3: SEO Software Pro
$197 One-Time Payment Only
ReviewReel Starter
  • Commercial License
  • Search & Close NEW Domain Leads
  • Search & Close Old Domain Leads
  • Personalized Cold Email Outreach
  • 500 Weekly Searches
  • 100 Weekly Leads Outreach
  • Traditional Mail Outreach
  • Cold Email Templates
  • Cold Calls From Desktop Feature
  • Get Name, Address, Email, Phone Number, City, State, Country
  • Local & Remote Prospecting
  • Exclusive Leads Privilege Feature
  • Desktop Calling Feature
  • Proven Cold Call Scripts
  • Custom Cold Call Scripts
  • Custom Cold Call Emails
  • Search Globally
  • Download & FB Audience Feature
  • Business ABCs: Get all business details
  • Quick Website Creation Feature
  • Quick peek snapshots of websites to identify those that need a makeover
  • WordPress Check For Websites
  • Mobile Responsiveness Check
  • Favorite Leads
  • Built-In Cold Email Outreach
  • Drip Feed Emails
  • Limited Daily Emails for Better Deliverability
  • Domain Reputation Protection
  • SMTPs Integration
  • G-Suite Integration
  • Agency Profile Set Up
  • Dedicated Support & Regular Updates - 12 months
  • Detailed Training Included - Video + PDF
  • 14 Days MoneyBack Guarantee
  • BONUS TRAINING WEBINAR : How to Make Fast Cash Using Marshal!

    Founding-Members Special - Only Today
  • Bonus #1: Article-2- Voice Creator
  • Bonus #2: Website TrafficBlaster
  • Bonus #3: SEO Software Pro
$197 One-Time Payment Only

Price Increasing with ever sale. Last copy at this price!

No Monthly Fee Necessary. No Technical Skills Needed. 100% Beginner Friendly.

Get Started with Marshal - Instant Access

Just Think of How Much You’d Spend if You Did All of That Manually:

FEATURES Estimated Monthly Fee
Web Security Compliance $49.99/mo
Web Security Auto-Fix Plugin $39.99/mo
ADA Web Compliance $29.99/mo
SEO Compliance $59.99/mo
Local Business Compliance $39.99/mo
GDPR & Cookie Consent Compliance $19.99/mo
Privacy & T&C Compliance $29.99/mo
Generator - GDPR & Cookie Consent $14.99/mo
Auto-Creator - Privacy & T&C Pages $19.99/mo
Monthly Updates on all Compliances $59.99/mo
Website Fingerprinting Compliance $24.99/mo
SSL Compliance $19.99/mo
Version-Based Vulnerability Detection $29.99/mo
Common Configuration Issues Check $19.99/mo
SQL Injection Check $29.99/mo
SQL Injection Protection $29.99/mo
Cross-Site Scripting Check $29.99/mo
XSS Protection $29.99/mo
Local/Remote File Inclusion Check $19.99/mo
Remote Command Execution Check $19.99/mo
ClickJacking Protection $19.99/mo
MIME Mismatch Attacks Protection $19.99/mo
Discovery of Sensitive Files Check $29.99/mo
Vulnerability Alerts $29.99/mo
Complete Auto SEO Audio $39.99/mo
Full SEO-Fix Checklist $29.99/mo
Right-to-be-Forgotten $19.99/mo
Data Assess Compliance - GDPR $19.99/mo
Data Breach Notification - GDPR $19.99/mo
Data Rectification Update - GDPR $19.99/mo
WordPress Universal $29.99/mo
Cookie Consent Generator $19.99/mo
Privacy Policy Generator $19.99/mo
Terms & Conditions Generator $19.99/mo
Compliance Batches to Feature on websites $19.99/mo
Local Business Law Compliance Check $19.99/mo
Total Estimated Monthly Fee (Individual) $1,629.35/mo
Marshal App Monthly Fee $47 one-time fee
Total Savings $1,582.35/mo

That’s how much other businesses are spending to stay protected and that’s just the starting cost. It goes up with time and number of websites.

  • Commercial License
  • Search & Close NEW Domain Leads
  • Search & Close Old Domain Leads
  • Personalized Cold Email Outreach
  • 50 Weekly Searches
  • 10 Weekly Leads Outreach
  • Traditional Mail Outreach
  • Cold Email Templates
  • Cold Calls From Desktop Feature
  • Get Name, Address, Email, Phone Number, City, State, Country
  • Local & Remote Prospecting
  • Exclusive Leads Privilege Feature
  • Desktop Calling Feature
  • Proven Cold Call Scripts
  • Custom Cold Call Scripts
  • Custom Cold Call Emails
  • Search Globally
  • Download & FB Audience Feature
  • Business ABCs: Get all business details
  • Quick Website Creation Feature
  • Quick peek snapshots of websites to identify those that need a makeover
  • WordPress Check For Websites
  • Mobile Responsiveness Check
  • Favorite Leads
  • Built-In Cold Email Outreach
  • Drip Feed Emails
  • Limited Daily Emails for Better Deliverability
  • Domain Reputation Protection
  • SMTPs Integration
  • G-Suite Integration
  • Agency Profile Set Up
  • Dedicated Support & Regular Updates - 12 months
  • Detailed Training Included - Video + PDF
  • 14 Days MoneyBack Guarantee
  • BONUS TRAINING WEBINAR : How to Make Fast Cash Using Marshal!

    Founding-Members Special - Only Today
  • Bonus #1: Article-2- Voice Creator
  • Bonus #2: Website TrafficBlaster
  • Bonus #3: SEO Software Pro
$197 One-Time Payment Only
ReviewReel Starter
  • Commercial License
  • Search & Close NEW Domain Leads
  • Search & Close Old Domain Leads
  • Personalized Cold Email Outreach
  • 500 Weekly Searches
  • 100 Weekly Leads Outreach
  • Traditional Mail Outreach
  • Cold Email Templates
  • Cold Calls From Desktop Feature
  • Get Name, Address, Email, Phone Number, City, State, Country
  • Local & Remote Prospecting
  • Exclusive Leads Privilege Feature
  • Desktop Calling Feature
  • Proven Cold Call Scripts
  • Custom Cold Call Scripts
  • Custom Cold Call Emails
  • Search Globally
  • Download & FB Audience Feature
  • Business ABCs: Get all business details
  • Quick Website Creation Feature
  • Quick peek snapshots of websites to identify those that need a makeover
  • WordPress Check For Websites
  • Mobile Responsiveness Check
  • Favorite Leads
  • Built-In Cold Email Outreach
  • Drip Feed Emails
  • Limited Daily Emails for Better Deliverability
  • Domain Reputation Protection
  • SMTPs Integration
  • G-Suite Integration
  • Agency Profile Set Up
  • Dedicated Support & Regular Updates - 12 months
  • Detailed Training Included - Video + PDF
  • 14 Days MoneyBack Guarantee
  • BONUS TRAINING WEBINAR : How to Make Fast Cash Using Marshal!

    Founding-Members Special - Only Today
  • Bonus #1: Article-2- Voice Creator
  • Bonus #2: Website TrafficBlaster
  • Bonus #3: SEO Software Pro
$197 One-Time Payment Only

Price Increasing with ever sale. Last copy at this price!

Slash Your Expenses & Unleash New Profit Opportunities with Marshal App Today!

Marshal is a groundbreaking all-in-one solution that not only saves you thousands but also opens up multiple income streams for your digital marketing business.

  • Charge per lead sent (some offline niches pay $250 per lead)
  • Provide GDPR & CCPA compliance services (for $250+ per service)
  • Implement monthly web security and SEO maintenance packages
  • Set up robust protection for clients' websites (attracting high-value customers)
  • Create and sell individual compliance reports and solutions
  • And so much more! +

Unlock Marshal's Power for Outstanding Weekly Profits!

Imagine providing a client with Marshal's top-notch security and compliance services and charging based on the number of protected websites. If you only charged a modest $50 per website, take a look at the potential weekly income:

Number of Clients Price per Website Websites per Week Weekly Income
1 $50 1 $50
2 $50 2 $100
5 $50 5 $250
10 $50 10 $500
20 $50 20 $1000

"...Finally, an all-in-one security solution”

Marshal has been a lifesaver for my online business. It's the all-in-one security solution I've been looking for, and it's so easy to use. I've been able to secure my website and ensure compliance with minimal effort. Marshal is worth every penny!


"...Marshal is a game-changer for website security"

I've never seen a security tool as powerful and comprehensive as Marshal. It's truly a game-changer for website security. With its A.I.-powered features, I can rest easy knowing my business is safe from hackers and other online threats. I highly recommend Marshal to anyone who's serious about protecting their online business.


"...A must-have for every digital agency"

As a digital agency owner, Marshal has become an indispensable tool for me and my team. The level of protection and compliance it offers for our clients' websites is unmatched. Plus, the monthly retainers we get from offering security services have significantly boosted our revenue. Marshal is a must-have for every digital agency..


"...Transformed my business and peace of mind"

Marshal has completely transformed my business and given me peace of mind. The A.I.-powered features are incredibly effective at detecting and preventing security threats. I now have the confidence to focus on expanding my business without constantly worrying about potential breaches.


But Even Better, Here’s How You’ll Benefit By Getting Access Today.

It doesn’t matter what niche or industry you’re in. Marshal can benefit you now and in the future.

That includes:

Store Owners

Benefit from improved SEO compliance which can help optimize your website's search engine visibility and attract more traffic and sales. Plus you’ll be protected from cyber threats and data breaches, ensuring your customers' sensitive information remains secure.

Coaches & Digital
Product Owners

Use the ADA compliance tool to ensure your products are accessible to people with disabilities while expanding your customer base at the same time. Also, you can optimize any digital product pages for search engines to attract more leads into your funnels.

Affiliate Marketers

Use Marshal to make sure all your affiliate links remain safe. No more commission poaching from scammers. Use the ADA compliance tools avoid lawsuits and negative publicity by making your website accessible to people with disabilities.

Local Marketing

Tap into the Local Business Compliance tool to ensure your clients' websites comply with local regulations, thus reducing the risk of legal penalties. The GDPR & Privacy compliance tools will help protect your client's personal information while building trust and loyalty.

Not to mention, you can also dominate tons of local niches and offer them services they need to stay compliant and secure themselves. This is a true game changing opportunity that can also open the door to offering other services down the road for an even BIGGER payday.

“But I’m Not That Technical. Will Using Marshal Be Hard For Me To Setup?”

Not at all. We’ve designed Marshal to be extremely intuitive and incredibly user-friendly. Even if you only know how to point and click your mouse, you’ll find that using all the tools inside the Marshal suite is 100% simple.

Plus, if you ever get stuck we’ve got tutorials and videos to help you along your way so you can get your site and business compliant and secure in absolutely no time.

We’ve Also Included Multi-Lingual Support!

You’ll also love the fact that you can use Marshal with multiple languages. That means even if English isn’t your primary language, you can log into the Marshal app today, select one of the many other languages, and start using all the tools without the help of a translator or Google translate.

Here’s a list of the languages Marshal supports:

No Separate Monthly Subscriptions Means You Keep Your Money In Your Wallet.

Normally, you’d have to fork over $29.95/mo here, another $59.95/mo there, and even as much as $400 to $500 in some cases to have tools like these available for your use. And that’s just for one site!

When you start to add it all up, you could wind up paying as much as $7,000 to $10,000 PER YEAR just for access to some of the tools you’ll get inside of Marshal. But during this special launch, you won’t have to invest anywhere near that.

A Low One-Time Investment Today Gives You Peace of Mind FOREVER.

Look, you can buy the latest page builder or the loop hack profit thing of the day, but NONE of those are going to protect you from the potential issues that exist like Marshal can.

And not a single one will combine all these tools together to give you a true six or seven figure income opportunity!

That’s why it makes sense to get access right here and right now. We’re always working to keep Marshal up to date so that means you’ll always have access to the latest compliance and accessibility features for every site you’ll ever own FOREVER.

A low one-time investment is all it takes to sleep well at night, knowing you’re 100% compliant and protected.

Marshal Not Only Saves You Thousands, But Can Potentially Six or Even Seven Figures In Your Pocket
Here’s How…

No Expensive Developers

To put all of these tools together in one app can run you at least $3500. Not to mention it could take up to 6 months to get a finished product. Oh, and don’t forget that even after doing all of the above, you still have to pay for MONTHLY fees like servers, ongoing development etc. That’s why getting Marshal is a better deal.

1. No Need For Researchers

Laws are constantly changing. You’ll need to stay up to date if you want to avoid any penalties, lawsuits, or fines. You could easily wind up having to pay a team to stay on top of this in multiple countries, states, and cities like what we are doing.

If you do, expect to invest at least another $1000-$2,000 many times over.

2. No Need To Hire Costly Lawyers

You could go this route and just pay a lawyer to create documents for your business. But what if you have more than one site? And what if you need an update? You’ll have to go back to the expensive lawyer who charges you by the HOUR. And trust us, it’s not cheap at all. Marshal does all of that without the hefty fees.

3. Gives You An Attractive High Ticket Service To Offer Local Businesses

Local marketing is great, but if we’re being honest, trying to get some local businesses to sign up for your offer can be a pain in the butt. Marshal gives you a way to offer a truly valuable service that they can’t afford to ignore. This puts you in the driver's seat and makes local businesses chase you instead of the other way around.

Marshal Help Replaces All These Expensive SaaS Services & Plugin:

And Look How Many More Features You Get:

FEATURES Marshal Sucuri SiteCheck Pentest-Tools Detectify
Security Scanning
Lead Generation
Target Domain Buyers
PDF Reports Limited Limited Limited
Email Reports Directly
Vulnerability Detection
Industrial-Strength Algorithms
Intelligent Pattern Recognition
Ban System
Bad Bots & Crawlers Protection Limited Limited
Fake Bots Protection Limited Limited
Headers Check Limited
Auto Ban
Threat Logs Limited Limited Limited
Detailed Logs Limited Limited Limited
E-mail Notifications Limited
Dashboard With Stats
Errors Monitoring Limited
htaccess Editor
LP & File Whitelist
Live Traffic Analytics Limited
Visit Analytics Limited
PHP Configuration Checker
System Information
Login History Limited Limited
One-time Fee $47
Monthly Fee $29.99 - $499.99 $59 - $990 $50 - $2500
FREE Premium Bonus #1

Commercial License Upgrade - No Cost!

Normally, we’ll reserve this for an upgrade of at least $197. However, we’re going to remove the extra charge and upgrade you during this very limited time offer. That means you can not only use Marshal for your own sites, but we’ll also hand you certification that lets you sell all the services that Marshal provides and keep the profits for yourself.

This will let you manage multiple brands with total ease while keeping everything separate and organized.

Just this upgrade alone can 500X or even 1000X your investment today! But you’ll get it unlocked in your account as soon as you sign up below.

But that’s not all. We’re going to take it a step further and actually help you profit with Marshal. That’s why we’re also including…

FREE Premium Bonus #2

EXCLUSIVE Training: How To Turn Marshal Into A Full-Time Income Starting In The Next 7 Days…

You’ve already seen the power of Marshal and what it can do for your own business. But there are millions of other businesses that desperately need and want this very service too.

When you join us on our very private closed door training, we’ll lay out all the necessary steps to help you turn Marshal into your very own ATM. Learn how to EASILY get other businesses to hand you checks on demand by providing Marshal as a service with very little effort.

We could easily charge another $497 for this training alone, but it’s yours at no additional cost when you sign up for your account today.

FREE Premium Bonus #1

Commercial License Upgrade - No Cost!

Normally, we’ll reserve this for an upgrade of at least $197. However, we’re going to remove the extra charge and upgrade you during this very limited time offer. That means you can not only use Marshal for your own sites, but we’ll also hand you certification that lets you sell all the services that Marshal provides and keep the profits for yourself.

This will let you manage multiple brands with total ease while keeping everything separate and organized.

Just this upgrade alone can 500X or even 1000X your investment today! But you’ll get it unlocked in your account as soon as you sign up below.

But that’s not all. We’re going to take it a step further and actually help you profit with Marshal. That’s why we’re also including…

FREE Premium Bonus #2

EXCLUSIVE Training: How To Turn Marshal Into A Full-Time Income Starting In The Next 7 Days…

You’ve already seen the power of Marshal and what it can do for your own business. But there are millions of other businesses that desperately need and want this very service too.

When you join us on our very private closed door training, we’ll lay out all the necessary steps to help you turn Marshal into your very own ATM. Learn how to EASILY get other businesses to hand you checks on demand by providing Marshal as a service with very little effort.

We could easily charge another $497 for this training alone, but it’s yours at no additional cost when you sign up for your account today.

Plus, You’ll Also Receive These Fast Action Bonuses With Your Investment In Marshal Today!


Article-2-Voice Creator

Easily convert any articles into a human-like voice Simply copy-paste your article or content, pick the access and in just a few minutes and a click of a button, download an MP3 audio with text- to-speech of your articles for free. No need to use any API key or anything like that Turn anyone’s blog post into an audio, take that audio and convert into video and you have a brand new course ready that you can sell for $1000s using Udemy Style website


Courseable TrafficBlaster

For traffic, you need to focus on Pinterest and with the Courseable TrafficBlaster app.

With this app you will be able to automate your entire Pinterest marketing.

You will be able to create boards and publish on pinterest on autopilot, generating 1000s of visitors every day for free.


SEO Software Pro

Simple yet powerful software application perfect for webmasters that are interested to check rankings in Google for any given keyword.

This software will help you get more traffic.

Get this awesome software with Marshal today!



Get Unlimited Traffic with Page #1 Ranking! With VidRankNeos You Are Guaranteed To Rank Your Videos And Once You’ve Done That, You Can Easy Track Your Rankings. With Rank Tracker and Spy feature you can not only track your videos ranking and current positions but you can also spy on your competitors and see where they are ranking and what they are doing to keep ranking.



VidNeos takes hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of real life, real business insights from real videos and real sales...and packs it all into a one-stop-shop software... Research, Create, Analyse, Optimise & Backlink (video and website) - Do EVERYTHING from one place..


SocialNeos Pro

SocialNeos rewards customers for sharing content, builds your list and creates a powerful Social Notification system just like Mobile Push Notifications - message your users any time, on any device!It's The Only Viral Traffic Plugin You'll Ever Need Turn Any Video or Content into a List Building Machine in 3 Easy Steps.



AppSpyPro helps you find the most popular niches and keywords in Apple iOS store, Google Android Play Store and other mobile app stores...


VidNeos AutoVideo Theme

VIDNEOS THEME takes all the guesswork out of Video Blogging and does all the heavy lifting for you, while making you tons of money from the massive video traffic that your blog will attract.. Create UNLIMITED Content Rich, Self-Updating & Auto-Traffic Video Blogs, In Minutes Without Ever Creating a Single Video!


SocialNeos Theme

...Build Unlimited Beautiful Viral Video Blogs In Any Niche Using The Intelligent NeosTheme... ALL on Autopilot Without EVER Creating a Single Video!....


CurationNeos Desktop App

CurationNeos allows you to turn other people’s red hot content into your own unique, traffic-getting content in seconds! In just seconds, you can create your own unique, curated content that you can use to rake in daily free traffic from social media, Google, in your emails, and more!


CurationNeos WebApp

Search, find, edit, and curate other people’s red hot content into your own unique, traffic- getting content in seconds.

Take The Next 14 Days To Test Drive Marshal Risk-Free…

If you don’t agree that this is the biggest opportunity in and Marshal is super easy to get results after trying, then you pay nothing.

It’s that simple. If you try out Marshal and can’t get any clients or can’t get any leads with the A.I. marketing engine…

Just let us know and you’ll get a full refund.

Yep, you’re entitled to a 14-day money-back guarantee if you can’t get Marshal to succeed right out of the gate.

Plainly Put, If You’ve Got A Domain - You’re A Target & You Need To Protect Yourself As If Your Livelihood Depends On It.

Because It Does.

If you do ANYTHING online, you’ll need to make sure that you are compliant and protected. There’s no getting around it. Just one small misstep can mean the difference between the income and assets you’ve built online continuing to fuel your lifestyle…or ending up in the poor house only having to start all over again.

Ignore This At Your Own Risk… (It Could Cost You Tens of Thousands of Dollars!)

Some people hack for fun. Others for (something), but still it doesn’t matter why they do it. All that matters is that you are affected.

Even if you were only down for one moment, that could mean…and what’s to stop it from happening again.

Sure, you could use some (thing) or (try something), but that’s like having an attack dog try and guard Ft. Knox against a nuclear strike.

And Don’t Forget, Marshal Also Gives You A True Six or Seven Figure Opportunity By Providing a Much Needed Service To Local Businesses!

Imagine getting $2,000 here, another $1,000 there, and then multiple payments of $500/mo just to help keep local businesses compliant and secure.

That’s what Marshal gives you. Local business owners will instantly see the value and want to work with you because of all the tediousness involved in being compliant and having a secure site.

You can already see for yourself that businesses are paying a nice piece of change for these services:

So why not take advantage of this opportunity for yourself? With Marshal at your fingertips, you can service more businesses than the competition without even breaking a sweat!

So why not take advantage of this opportunity for yourself? With Marshal at your fingertips, you can service more businesses than the competition without even breaking a sweat!

Unfortunately, Marshal Is Only Available At A Discounted Price For A Limited Time. So You’ll Need To Act Fast!

Right now, during this special launch phase of Marshal being available to the public, we’ve discounted the cost of access MASSIVELY.

That means you can get started today with very little outlay upfront, and experience the full power of Marshal’s 6-in-1 compliance and accessibility suite for just pennies on the dollar.

But we should warn you, the discount won’t last long. Every day the price continues to rise and once the timer runs out on this page, you’ll be forced to pay more for access to Marshal, or you’ll have to pay a monthly fee.

Or both.

That’s why it just makes sense to claim your access right here and now. All the power of total compliance, accessibility, and more for only a low one time investment.

Get Access To Marshal & Open The Door To A Brand New Income Stream While Protecting Your Business In The Next Few Minutes!

You’re only a click away from opening up a brand new stream of income with Marshal. Not to mention, in just minutes, you’ll be able to protect every single site you have and revenue stream by using the tools involved.

Nowhere else will you find this level of access to a power-packed compliance and accessibility suite under one roof. And definitely not for the price.

So do yourself a favor and click below to choose your level of access now. And have total peace of mind that you’re protected now and forever with Marshal!

Click Below To Get Started
With Marshal Today!

  • Use for 5 Businesses
  • Web Security Compliance
  • Web Security Auto-Fix Plugin
  • ADA Web Compliance
  • SEO Compliance
  • Local Business Compliance
  • GDPR & Cookie Consent Compliance
  • Privacy & T&C Compliance
  • Generator - GDPR & Cookie Consent
  • Auto-Creator - Privacy & T&C Pages
  • Monthly Updates on all Compliances
  • Website Fingerprinting Compliance
  • SSL Compliance
  • Version-Based Vulnerability Detection
  • Common Configuration Issues Check
  • SQL Injection Check
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • Cross-Site Scripting Check
  • XSS Protection
  • Local/Remote File Inclusion Check
  • Remote Command Execution Check
  • ClickJacking Protection
  • MIME Mismatch Attacks Protection
  • Discovery of Sensitive Files Check
  • Vulnerability Alerts
  • Complete Auto SEO Audio
  • Full SEO-Fix Checklist
  • Right-to-be-Forgotten - GDPR
  • Data Assess Compliance - GDPR
  • Data Breach Notification - GDPR
  • Data Rectification Update - GDPR
  • WordPress Universal
  • Cookie Consent Generator
  • Privacy Policy Generator
  • Terms & Conditions Generator
  • Compliance Batches to Feature on websites
  • Local Business Law Compliance Check
  • Dedicated Support & Regular Updates - 12 months
  • Detailed Training Included - Video + PDF
  • 14 Days MoneyBack Guarantee
  • BONUS TRAINING WEBINAR: How to Make Fast Cash Using Marshal!

Founding-Members Special - Only Today

  • Bonus #1: Article-2- Voice Creator
  • Bonus #2: Website TrafficBlaster
  • Bonus #3: SEO Software Pro
$197 One-Time Payment Only
  • Use for 500 Businesses
  • Web Security Compliance
  • Web Security Auto-Fix Plugin
  • ADA Web Compliance
  • SEO Compliance
  • Local Business Compliance
  • GDPR & Cookie Consent Compliance
  • Privacy & T&C Compliance
  • Generator - GDPR & Cookie Consent
  • Auto-Creator - Privacy & T&C Pages
  • Monthly Updates on all Compliances
  • Website Fingerprinting Compliance
  • SSL Compliance
  • Version-Based Vulnerability Detection
  • Common Configuration Issues Check
  • SQL Injection Check
  • SQL Injection Protection
  • Cross-Site Scripting Check
  • XSS Protection
  • Local/Remote File Inclusion Check
  • Remote Command Execution Check
  • ClickJacking Protection
  • MIME Mismatch Attacks Protection
  • Discovery of Sensitive Files Check
  • Vulnerability Alerts
  • Complete Auto SEO Audio
  • Full SEO-Fix Checklist
  • Right-to-be-Forgotten - GDPR
  • Data Assess Compliance - GDPR
  • Data Breach Notification - GDPR
  • Data Rectification Update - GDPR
  • WordPress Universal
  • Cookie Consent Generator
  • Privacy Policy Generator
  • Terms & Conditions Generator
  • Compliance Batches to Feature on websites
  • Local Business Law Compliance Check
  • Dedicated Support & Regular Updates - 12 months
  • Detailed Training Included - Video + PDF
  • 14 Days MoneyBack Guarantee
  • BONUS TRAINING WEBINAR: How to Make Fast Cash Using Marshal!

Founding-Members Special - Only Today

  • Premium Bonus #1: Commercial License Upgrade
  • Premium Bonus #2: EXCLUSIVE Training: How To Turn Marshal Into A Full-Time Income
  • Preimum Bonus #3: Eight Other Apps
$197 One-Time Payment Only Price Increasing with ever sale. Last copy at this price!
Marshal Premium

"...The ultimate defense against online threats"

Marshal has been the ultimate defense against online threats for my business. Its A.I.-powered features have made securing my website and ensuring compliance a breeze. I can now focus on growing my business without the constant worry of security breaches.


"...The most comprehensive web security solution I've ever used"

I've tried multiple security tools for my online business, but nothing compares to Marshal. The range of features and the A.I. integration make it the most comprehensive web security solution I've ever used. I can now confidently say my business is protected from hackers and other online threats. Marshal is a must-have for every online entrepreneur.


"...Marshal boosted my agency's revenue"

As an agency owner, Marshal has been a game-changer for us. Not only has it provided top-notch security and compliance for our clients' websites, but it has also allowed us to offer a new and lucrative service that has significantly boosted our revenue. I can't thank Marshal enough!


"...Marshal saved my business from disaster"

I can't believe how powerful Marshal is in detecting and preventing security breaches on my website. It saved my business from disaster when it identified a vulnerability I wasn't even aware of. Now, I can sleep peacefully knowing that my website and customer data are safe. Thank you, Marshal!

Website Security & Compliance Can't
Get Any Easier!


— Marshal Team

No Monthly Fee Necessary. No Technical Skills Needed. 100% Beginner Friendly.

Get Started with Marshal - Instant Access

FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions)


Is Marshal technical to use?

A: Not at all! You’ll find that it’s super intuitive and designed for even the most technologically challenged. If you’re a complete beginner, you could still benefit from Marshal as the platform does the heavy lifting.

There’s no huge learning curve involved. You can start finding profitable leads in the next few minutes.


Is There Training To Help Me Learn How To Use Marshal?

A. Yes. Our team of experts have designed a number of training materials complete with follow along videos to help you get off to a quick start immediately once you log in today.


What If I’m Not Satisfied With My Purchase?

A. We highly doubt that will be the case once you see how easy it is to use Marshal AND the results it can help you get.

However, if you still have any concerns simply message the help desk and we’ll get you refunded if we can’t fix the issue.


I’m A Local Marketer/Local Agency, Can This Help Me?

A: Totally. You’ll love the fact that you can find and manage all of your leads in one place and automate most of follow up when it comes to prospecting.


Is There Anything For Me To Download?

A. No. Marshal works in the cloud so you will never have to download anything. This way it works on Windows, Mac, and even mobile. Just log in where you have internet access and you’re all set.


Is There A Monthly Fee For This?

A. No. Not at this time. During our special launch phase you can get all the power and benefits of Marshal for one low price. But that will most likely change in the future so it’s best to sign up now to get the lowest price today.

No Monthly Fee Necessary. No Technical Skills Needed. 100% Beginner Friendly.

Get Started with Marshal - Instant Access

This is Abhi Dwivedi

with ReelApps App Team

And I look forward to welcoming you into the ReelApps family!

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don't apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money. Furthermore, certain proof and case studies mentioned on this website may not be associated with our product or service, and any results presented may not have been generated utilizing our product. Such materials are solely provided for case study and motivational purposes. We strongly recommend that all website visitors exercise their own due diligence and discretion prior to making any purchasing decisions.

By making a purchase on this website, you agree to abide by all our policies and will not be misusing our product(s) for any wrongful purposes.